Benjamin Burnley
founder, lead vocalist
Real name
Breaking Benjamin, Plan 9
post-grunge/alternative rock band
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, United States
founder, lead vocalist
bass guitarist, back vocalist
lead guitarist, back vocalist
guitarist, back vocalist
“Breaking Benjamin” or BB is a cult alternative rock band, which was formed in 1998 and is active till now. Initially, it was created by Benjamin Burnley, Jeremy Hummel, and Jason Davoli. At first, the band was named “Plan 9” and later it was changed for “Breaking Benjamin” (the incident, which caused such a title, is described here).
In 2002 the band released its first studio album. “Saturate”, presented through Hollywood Records, which was commercially successful. About 300k copies of the album were sold within the first weeks after its release. In 2015 it got the gold certification. The single “Skin” from the album was performed at Jimmy Kimmel show.
After that “Breaking Benjamin” cemented its initial success and presented three other albums, “We Are Not Alone”, “Phobia” and “Dear Agony”. Each of the sets was interesting, successful and got positive critical reviews, nevertheless, in 2009 BB members decided to take a pause in their activity.
In 2015 the band’s founder Ben Burnley announced about “Breaking Benjamin” reforming through social media. The group cast was renewed – except for Ben, it consisted of the guitarists Jasen Rauch, and Keith Wallen, bass player Aaron Bruch and the drummer Shaun Foist. They have already presented two studio albums, both of which became sensations.