Danielle Peskowitz (Bregoli)

Interesting Biography Facts
Real name
Danielle Marie Bregoli-Peskowitz
American rapper and social media personality
Birth Date
March 26, 2003
21 years
Zodiac Sign
Boynton Beach, Florida, United States
Danielle Peskowitz (Bregoli) family members
Father's Name
Ira Peskowitz
Mother's Name
Barbara Ann Bregoli
Siblings names
2 younger paternal half-siblings
Is Danielle Peskowitz (Bregoli) a lesbian/bisexual?
What is Danielle Peskowitz (Bregoli) marital status?
Teenagers like Danielle Peskowitz, while adults consider her as the product of bad up-bringing. They blame her parents, who didn’t care about the child in the proper way. Let’s look at two people, who are responsible for Danielle failures and success.
Who are Danielle Peskowitz (Bregoli) parents?
Barbara Ann Bregoli (Mother)
Date of birth: January 15, 1968
Barbara Ann Bregoli was born in Florida. There she met an attractive policeman Ira Peskowitz and started dating him. Two young people enjoyed a short-term affair and then separated. Soon after their split Barbara Ann understood, that she was pregnant. The woman phoned to her ex-lover and baby’s father Ira, but he refused from fulfilling his paternity duties. In 2003 Barbara Ann started a lawsuit against him.
From that moment court processes between Danielle parents, who had never been married officially, have become a kind of tradition. In general two ex-lovers met in the court more than 700 times. Each time Barbara Ann wanted Ira to do something for her – she ignored his visitation rights and demanded to increase the child’s support, which was about $1, 100 initially.
When Danielle turned 6, her mother was diagnosed with breasts cancer. That was the time, when eccentric woman forgot about her court processes against Ira Peskowitz and focused on her health and relationships with her child. Then Danielle proved that she was a mature and understandable daughter. She held her mother’s hand, when she felt bad after chemotherapy and prayed for her. And soon they both heard the news they were waiting for – that Barbara Ann recovered.
Probably, her mother’s illness made a tragic impact on Danielle’s mind, but soon after Barbara’s recovery, the girl went down in a fiery blaze. She started to smoke marihuana and participated in car stealing acts. Barbara Ann Bregoli, who was trying to find a job after her battle with cancer and was looking for social support, missed the moment, when her daughter chose the wrong path.
In order to find the way to Danielle heart, Barbara Ann came to Dr. Phil show (Dr. Phil is a psychologist, who helps kids and parents to understand each other). This TV show made Danielle a star.
Currently Barbara Ann is involved into custody battle with Ira Peskowitz, who thinks, that his daughter’s mother doesn’t care about the girl’s future.
Ira Peskowitz (Father)
Date of birth: February 6, 1968
Ira Peskowitz was 35, when he met a beautiful woman Barbara Ann Bregoli and fell in love with her. But due to eccentric nature of the woman soon he understood, that their affair was a mistake and separated with her. Probably, that story could have ended at that moment, but it was unexpectedly continued, when Barbara Ann announced her baby news.
According to Ira’s words, from that moment Barbara turned his life into hell. She sent Ira assaulting e-mails, followed him with a knife and even threatened his current wife to death (Ira is married and has two kids – Danielle’s half-siblings).
In March, 2017 Ira founded Go Fund Me organization to gather money for the court process against Barbara Ann to override her parental rights. He wants to forbid his daughter to participate in her online projects and develop her work in Hollywood, which can end with participation in a porn film (as for his opinion).
They say, currently Danielle Peskowitz (but very often her fans call her by her mother’s surname “Bregoli”) is the most desirable celebrity for various kinds of endorsements and gets about $50, 000 per each her post in Instagram. Just a few years ago Danielle had no idea, that her words – mostly incomprehensible because of her accent – would cost so much.
But in her early years Danielle had no idea, that she could become popular and earn millions of dollars. The girl was born and raised in Boynton Beach, FL. She visited a secondary school there, but dropped her studying at the age of 13.
Danielle made her mother crazy with her awful behavior. The girl stole money from her mother’s bag, used drugs and participated in car stealing. One day she phoned to police and accused her mother in drug possession. As a result, the girl was involved into a court process. In addition, her mother Barbara Bregoli took her to Dr. Phil reality shows, which suddenly turned into a winning ticket for her. While her mom was trying to find the common language with a troubled daughter, Danielle made an attempt to steal the vehicle, which belonged to one of the set workers, and even threatened the audience with her street phrases. One of them, “Cash me ousside”, which meant “Let’s go outside and learn, who is right, using our fists” made the viewers laugh and immediately turned an aggressive teenager into a rising star.
In spite of Danielle Peskowitz law issues (the girl was judged for stealing cars, marijuana possession and perjury) she has become the queen of Instagram with more than 13 million followers.
Her unexpected fame made Danielle much richer. She bought a house in California and moved there with her mom. The girl released a hip hop single “Hi Bich”, which got golden status.
Early Life and Education

Interesting and fun facts
- She was rumored to date a contradictory rapper with a troubled fate NBA YoungBoy.
- On her way home from Dr. Phil show Danielle fought with another passenger in the plane.
- After the show she spent a month at Utah ranch, where troubled teens are trying to find the new way.
- Danielle Bregoli hates all Kardashians.
- She interacted with police more than 50 times in her life.
- Danielle Bregoli has never been adopted by her father and he recognized the child as his own after the court battle with her mother. He supported Danielle financially, but after her unexpected glory Ira persuaded court to let him stop sending paychecks to Danielle as she has become rich herself.
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