Dirk Nowitzki

Interesting Biography Facts
Real name
Dirk Werner Nowitzki
German former professional basketball player
Birth Date
June 19, 1978
46 years
Zodiac Sign
Würzburg, Germany
Röntgen High School Würzburg
Dirk Nowitzki family members
Father's Name
Jorg-Werner Nowitzki
Mother's Name
Helga Nowitzki
Siblings names
Silke Nowitzki
Is Dirk Nowitzki a gay/bisexual?
What is Dirk Nowitzki marital status?
Who is Dirk Nowitzki wife?
Jessica Olsson
When did get married?
How many children does he have?
Dirk Nowitzki wife
Jessica Olsson (wife)
Birthyear: 1982

photo instagram.com/swish41
Jessica met her then-boyfriend Dirk in 2010 at a sports economic event. Despite being the wife of a well-known personality, she tends to lead a low-key life. She is the eldest sibling in her family and has two young twin brothers named Martin and Marcus Olsson who are both famous football players. After her first meeting with her future husband Dirk, the couple fell in love and allegedly started dating, though, Dirk never confirmed it publicly. Later on July 20, 2012, the couple tied the knot in a private ceremony at the player’s home in Dallas, Texas. Additionally, the couple had a ceremony in Kenya because Jessica’s mother is from an East African country. As a honeymoon destination, the newly married couple chose the Caribbean Islands. Some years later Jessica and Dirk established the Dirk Nowitzki Foundation together which is a charity dedicated to fighting poverty in Africa. Today the couple shares three beautiful children together.
Sybille Gerer (ex-girlfriend)
Sybille Gerer is a former basketball player who played on the same club team as Dirk’s sister Silke. She met Dirk in 1992 and dated him for 10 years. The couple broke up because Dirk was not ready to have a family before he turns 30, he was training every day and wanted to succeed in his basketball career. Also since Dirk moved to Dallas from Germany he had a hard time adjusting to the American environment after joining the NBA and had stressful times. Though the couple broke up, they remained good friends for many years.
Dirk Nowitzki kids
Malaika Nowitzki (daughter)
Date of birth: July 1, 2013
Malaika is the eldest child in the Nowitzki’s family, her name is of African origin and means ‘Angel in Swahili’. She enjoys her life in the family of the NBA celebrity with two younger brothers. Her dad wants his children to know everything about their origins in Germany and Kenya, that is why he takes them to Kenya and Germany from time to time. Malaika is just like her dad, from an early age she has been interested in sports. Primarily she focuses on tennis and gymnastics and goes to the German school in Dallas.
Max Nowitzki (older son)
Date of birth: March 24, 2015
Max Nowitzki was born in Germany when his parents moved temporarily there. When he was a little baby he used to stand in front of his bed and sing German children’s songs. After moving with his parents to the USA, Max went to the German International School in Dallas together with his older sister. He speaks three different languages (English, German and Swedish) at home but English comes first because he hears it the most.
Morris Nowitzki (youngest son)
Date of birth: November 11, 2016
Morris was born in the United States of America but just like his older siblings belongs to Sweden, Kenyan, and American backgrounds. As of now, he is five years old. He mostly plays football and tennis with his older brother Max. Morris can speak English, Swedish, and German but he often mixes the languages. Also, he enjoys playing in the garden with the family in their own playground with a big trampoline. Together with his dad, Morris sings German children’s songs and does puzzles with him, since his dad decided to stay mostly home and raise his children after his retirement.
Who are Dirk Nowitzki parents?
Jörg -Werner Nowitzki (father)
Birthyear: 1943
Jörg Nowitzki was a professional handball player when he was young. As of now, he is 79 years old but can still give you a strong handshake proving his long professional career as a handball player. Before his retirement, Jörg represented Germany at the highest international level in handball, now he is a professional painting contractor and a good storyteller as said by his son Dirk, who also calls him an “anecdote machine”. In Bayern’s handball team he made over 50 appearances. He was also nominated for the German national handball team. The most important about Jörg is that he is an amazing father because he always believes in his son and supports him all the way through.
Helga Nowitzki (mother)
Date of birth: 1944
Helga was a professional basketball player on the German national basketball team. Her son Dirk got the basketball genes from her just like her older daughter Silke. Though Helga has never given any interviews, she appeared in the ‘The Perfect Shot’ documentary film about her famous son and his career. It is also known that she ran the family business and managed Dirk’s finances because when Dirk first played in the NBA at the age of 20, he could do almost nothing, therefore he simply collected fan mail and paychecks in a box until Helga visited him in Texas and put things in order. What’s more, Helga has a funny nickname “Helgus” given by her son.
Dirk Nowitzki siblings
Silke Mayer (sister)

photo instagram.com/silkemayer41
Date of birth: July 12, 1974
Silke is Dirk’s only older sister, she was born in Würzburg and is a German former international basketball player. She started out as a track and field athlete but eventually switched to basketball. In 1995 she made her debut for the German women’s national basketball and later played for DJK Würzburg. Since 2006 she has been working as the manager of her brother Dirk. Silke is also chairwoman of the Dirk Nowitzki Foundation, currently, she lives in the USA with her husband Roland Mayer and two children, one of her family’s great hobbies is of course sport.
Dirk Nowitzki is a basketball legend and a happy father of three. As an NBA player, he played professionally for the Dallas Mavericks for 21 years. Sport has always been his great passion from an early age, for which he not only neglected school but also girls. He was never interested in anything other than sport. The list of his successes is long: he was the first German to win the NBA championship, was the most valuable player in the league, flag bearer for the German Olympic team, won the bronze medal for Germany at the 2002 World Cup and the silver medal at the 2005 European Championships. After his retirement, Dirk joined the NBA team from Dallas as a consultant. Dirk’s story is an example of what is possible when you learn to believe in yourself and your abilities. However, Nowitzki knows that not everyone is as lucky as him, therefore he founded the Dirk Nowitzki Foundation, which offers socially disadvantaged children support in sports, education, and training.
Interesting and fun facts
- Dirk wears shoe size 54;
- His height is 213 cm which made him one of the tallest NBA players;
- His jersey numbers were 14 and 41;
- In his spare time he plays the saxophone and the guitar;
- Nowitzki suffers from osteoarthritis in one foot;
- Dirk’s mother Helga was a national basketball player;
- Dirk has a quirk: he pulls himself on the jersey at the top left after every throw;
- He’s a fan of the famous rock band AC/DC;
- During his career in the USA he had different nicknames: German Wunderkind, Dirkules, and Dirk Diggler.
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