Mike Fisher
Real name
Jacob Bryan Fisher
celeb's kid
Birth Date
January 21, 2019
5 years
Zodiac Sign
Tennessee, United States
Father's Name
Mike Fisher
Mother's Name
Carrie Underwood
Siblings names
Isaiah Fisher (older brother)
Mike and Carrie dreamed about a big family. In 2018 they announced about the second baby on the way. Unfortunately, prior to it, Carrie had three miscarriages, and she suffered a lot and was afraid, she couldn’t become a mother for the second time. But her fear was wrong, and on January 21, 2019, she welcomed another son.
Jacob was born on a cold morning in January. His parents and an older brother were so happy to “welcome a new fish in their pond”, as Underwood told. Now Carrie is a happy mom of two, and she presumes, that her family can become even bigger soon.