Allison Adler
adoptive parent
Real name
Sawyer Jane Gilbert-Adler
celebs' kid
Birth Date
August 3, 2007
17 years
Zodiac Sign
Los Angeles, California, United States
Father's Name
Allison Adler (adoptive parent)
Mother's Name
Sara Gilbert
Siblings names
Levi Gilbert-Adler (older brother), Rhodes Gilbert Perry (younger brother)
Date of birth: August, 2007
Sawyer Jane is the second child in Adler-Gilbert family. The girl was also conceived through IVF and her biological father is an anonymous donor of sperm. Her biological mother is Sara Gilbert. The girl is 11 as for now.
Sawyer has already demonstrated that she comes from a very creative family. She appeared alongside her famous mother Sara on the show “The Talk, where she played the guitar and sang the song “Aliyah”.