Terry Reynolds

Terry Reynolds biography
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Interesting Biography Facts

Real name

Terry Reynolds


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada



Terry Reynolds family members

Father's Name

Jim Reynolds

Mother's Name

Tammy Reynolds

Siblings names

3 brothers (Patrick Reynolds, Jeff Reynolds, Ryan Reynolds)

Is Terry Reynolds a gay/bisexual?



Terry Reynolds bio

Date of birth: 1969

Terry is Ryan’s older brother. According to the actor’s interviews, he is close with each of his siblings, including Terry. The man shared through Twitter that his hobbies are baking and immunology. He likes to make experiments at weekends. Terry and other Reynolds family members stood by Ryan’s side when he was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He resides in Vancouver, BC.

Terry Reynolds

He was present at Red Notice set and took lots of pictures with the cast of this film. He spends a lot of time with his mother Tammy. He also spends a lot of time with Ryan. Terry keeps his personal life secret. But Ryan told once, that all his older brothers were great dads. So, obviously, Terry has some kids.

Terry Reynolds relatives
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