Real name
Whitney Scott Mathers (Stevie Lainee)
celeb's kid
Birth Date
April 16, 2002
22 years
Zodiac Sign
St. Joseph, Missouri, United States
high school
Father's Name
Marshall Bruce Mathers III (Eminem)
Mother's Name
Kim Scott
Siblings names
Alaina Marie Mathers (older half-sister), Hailie Jade (older half-sister)
Is Whitney Scott (Stevie Lainee) a lesbian/bisexual?
What is Whitney Scott (Stevie Lainee) marital status?
In relation
Eminem looks quite violent on the screen; his songs are really aggressive sometimes. But this strong-willed man, surely, has a soft heart. He had a tough childhood, and now he does everything he can to give his daughters everything they need, even if he is not the biological parent of some of these girls.
The main love in Em’s life, Kim had a brief love affair in early 2000s. She got pregnant from a tattoo master Eric Hatter, who immediately disappeared from her life, when he got “baby news”. In 2002 a girl Whitney Scott entered this world. Kim raised her as a single mother. Four years later she said “I do!” to Eminem again and he adopted Kim’s vivid child in spite of the fact, she was not blood-related to him.
Nowadays Whitney is a pupil at a high school. It’s rumored, she is a brilliant student. She hasn’t planned her career yet.